Play Rummy Smart- Maximize Your Winning Chances

Winning a rummy game is not just depends on luck as most of the rummy players might think. There are a lot of things involved that will test your multiple skills in a simultaneous fashion. The more you play in a responsible way, the more you will get to learn about the hidden secrets of rummy.
Here you can find some secrets one needs to follow while playing Rummy game.
Alternate Colors for Easy Pickings: 
Red and Black combination is really amazing. It is not just about the look and feel, but there is something associated with it logically as well. As a rummy player, you will find it easy to make sequences easy because of the differentiation factor as you could easily make it out which cards to drop and which cards to retain.
Never Discard Middle Cards (5,6,7) Right Away:

Weaving a magical web of arranging rummy cards begins with the kind of cards you have is absolutely amazing. Remember that the middle cards play a major role than any others. Cards like 5, 6, and 7 offer you the optimum chances of arranging sequences. Moreover, these are the cards often discarded and picked up by rummy players.
Here’s a classic example for you.
An Ace could be sequenced with 2-3 or Q-K only. In contrast, a ‘5’ can be included sequence with 3-4, 4-6 or 6-7.
Avoid Picking Card from Open Pile:
Whenever your turn comes up during a game, you are always offered with two alternatives of picking up card. One is from the open pile and the other one from the closed deck. If you pick from the open pile, you leave maximum scope to your immediate opponent in guessing your cards. So, try to avoid doing so.
Rummy game winning secrets such as the above will definitely improve your skill and game play in an effective way increasing your winning margin.